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A definition of the word states “A person or thing that has become renewed or restored after suffering calamity or apparent annihilation.” We all deal with failure and misfortune. Failure is the prerequisite to success, you cannot grow or learn if you never stumble. After some hardships of our own -like a phoenix- we wanted to set it all on fire and start fresh, rise brilliantly from the ashes. We want to take what we’ve learned from our adversity and help others find their rebirth story. It’s never too late to light it up, and start new, and if you’re already flying we can support you too!


Chase Ainsworth

Head Coach

As long as I can remember I was fascinated with movement and sport. From competitive hockey, basketball, badminton to skateboarding, I've never stopped moving. Early on I developed an unparalleled work ethic which has stuck with me to this day. With the help of an influential person in high-school, I started to take fitness and health seriously. I observed personally how it can transform your life and how impactful the help of a passionate coach could be. Since then I've wanted to share that feeling with others. 


Fast forward to the present, I've had the privilege of working with so many great people, youth and pro athletes, kids, friends, moms, grandfathers, at every level of fitness. What I've learned is there is no one size fits all approach to health. I've tried my hand at body building, running, mauy thai, powerlifting, sport specific training, TRX, the list goes on and on. Since finding CrossFit no other training modality has compared. If anything, it takes the best aspects of all the above mentioned and combines them. I am stronger than I've ever been in, in more ways than ever. I have more skills and I am capable of completing tasks I never thought possible. It's shown me that everyone needs to pick stuff up, squat, pull, press, and breathe heavy. How you do those things is unique to you and that's what I love, finding out what works best for you. I'm a strong believer that you CAN do anything you put your energy to consistently, and that you are what you repeatedly do. Fitness and health has expanded well beyond the walls of the gym for me. I am constantly striving for progress, with nutrition, learning, and just being a better person overall. 


I am ecstatic to be in a position to help our community, as well as help develop the people and youth athletes of Sarnia Lambton. 


-Advanced Diploma in Sports & Recreation Management

-Olympic Weightlifting Level 2

-CrossFit Level 2 Trainer

-Precision Nutrition Level 1

-M2 Practical Nutrition Coaching

-10 Years Personal Training Experience


Haley Ainsworth

Head Coach

My fitness journey started almost 15 years ago when I began competing in youth sports such as swimming, track & field, basketball, and gymnastics. I fell in love with pushing my body, as well as taking what I had learned and teaching it to others. My love grew for fitness when I began studying Paramedicine. I realized that with my chosen profession, came a physical demand for both strength and safety for myself, my partner, and my patients. I began "body building" to build strength, but by my graduating year, realized I wasn't getting everything I needed training the "traditional" way. 


I then discovered CrossFit, and quickly fell in love with the training methodology and sport. I practiced and trained functional movements and gymnastics for almost 2 years before deciding to test my fitness at the next level. I have successfully competed in several large scale events on both a team and individually, and have participated in many worldwide online competitions. Getting out of my comfort zone has allowed me to reach a potential I never knew I was capable of, which in return has made me eager to help others come out of their shell and see what they are truly made of!


I began coaching over the last 2 years and quickly realized that I wanted to do more for our community, reach more people, and make them feel the best they possibly can. During this time, I took on a new fascination with nutrition and cannot wait to share my passion for fitness and what I've learned with our new community! 


-Bachelors In Health Science

-CrossFit Level 2 Trainer

-Olympic Weightlifting Level 1

-Precision Nutrition Level 1

-M2 Practical Nutrition Coaching

-8 Years Experience as a Paramedic

-10 Years Part Time Teaching Experience Lambton College


Brenda Dimuzio


I've been on my own fitness and nutrition journey for the past 6 years, losing 60 pounds. Although, my journey was not just about weight loss, but rather improving my overall health. Focusing on my fitness goals has given me more energy, strength, improved mobility, and less joint pain. 


I have a real passion for fitness, nutrition, and inspiring others. I have competed in many organized sports, and have recently competed in two figure physique competitions.  


I have a busy family with two daughters and a husband who teaches and coaches hockey and soccer. Additionally, I am a registered dental hygienist running an independent dental hygiene practice, helping clients in LTC homes, hospitals and group homes. 


I'm excited to be a part of the Phoenix team and help inspire and motivate our little community. We can help you fit fitness into your busy life, and become the best version of yourself!


-CanFitPro PTS Certified 

-CrossFit Level 1 Trainer                         

-AFSA Group Fitness Certified        

-Precision Nutrition Level 1

-Currently Studying Human Kinetics Periodization for Sports

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